Iwag, Liza Mina Lorraine

Fisheries technologies training for small-scale fish farmers / Liza Mina Lorraine Iwag

The NFRDI, in collaboration with the FFRDC, BFAR-CO, BFAR-NFFTC, and the Villar SIPAG Foundation conducted the "Training on Fisheries Technologies for Small-Scale Fish Farmers" held from November 25-26, 2020 at the Villar SIPAG Farm School in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan to fish farmers from the region.The training's opening program kicked off with a virtual message from Senator Cynthia Villar and welcome remarks from Senator Villar’s chief of staff, Atty. Rhagee Tamaña and NFRDI Acting Executive Director Dr. Lilian C. Garcia. The message of City Mayor Arturo B. Robes was relayed by his Executive Assistant, Mr. Nolly D. Concepcion.

English eng


Fishery technology
Fish culturists
Training needs