Esguerra, Ricardo

Enumeration of algae in Philippine bañgos fishponds and in the digestive track of the fish with notes on conditions favorable for their growth / Ricardo Esguerra.

Includes bibliographical references

Observation showed that out of the 43 species of algae identified glowing in Dagat-dagatan fishponds and the neighboring ponds, Chaetomorpha was the most common of the filamentous algae. Lyngbya took the lead and followed by Phormidium of the blue-green algae. Of the diatoms, Mastogloia, Pleurosigma, Surirella, Chaetoceras, Biddulphia, and Nitzschia were found predominant. Intestinal contents of five bañgos yielded 14 species (algae and diatoms) recognizable and of these, Chaetomorpha, Melosira, Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma, and Coscinodiscus. Apparently these were taken upon more preferably than others, or they have not been digested when the intestinal contents were examined.

English eng

2672-2836 (Online)

Fish culture
Algal culture
Marine algae culture