Bersamin, Silvestre V.

Studies on the effect of the Ipil-Ipil Leaf meal on animal growth / Silvestre V. Bersamin, Olympia N. Gonzales and Jose I. Sulit

Includes bibliographical references

The utilization of the leaves of ipil-ipil (Leucaena glauca Linn.) was recognized when the College of Agriculture of the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, Laguna Province, published its findings on the possibilities of ipil-ipil leaf meal for poultry feed. Molina (1952) found that ipil-ipil leaf meal possesses a potent effect in promoting animal growth without endangering health. Considering the scarcity and high cost of fish feeds, this study was conducted using rats to determine the correct proportions most favorable in enhancing growth. The possibilities of ipil-ipil leaf meal for fish culture and hatchery work should not be underestimated, especially in the culture of bangos, tilapia, and other suitable fishes for backyard ponds in the rural areas. A similar study is being conducted to determine the effect of ipil-ipil leaf meal on the growth of tilapia, Tilapia mossambica (Peters) at the Dagat- dagatan Fisheries Experimental Station, Malabon, Rizal. One of the problems of fish culturists is the search for a suitable food which is cheap, easily prepared, available in abundant quantities locally, and at the same time possesses potent qualities in promoting the growth and normal health of fish. Chemical analysis of ipil-ipil leaves shows that they contain 35.53 per cent protein which may be considered as fairly high. Ipil-ipil leaves are readily available locally and sold at reasonable prices.

English eng

2672-2836 (Online)

Lead tree
Leucaena leucicephala
Feed legumes