Encina, Vitaliano B.

The discovery and distribution of the Spiny Dogfish Shark Resource in the Philippines / Vitaliano B. Encina

Includes bibliographical references

This paper traces the global distribution of spiny dogfish shark (Family Squalidae) species in the Pacific and Indian oceans since 1872 and the description of the spiny dogfish shark by Deania Jordan and Snyder in 1902. Likewise, it shows identification of the spiny dogfish shark species in the Philippines by Smith and Radcliffe in 1912. Albert Herre in 1922 and Henry Fowler in 1941. In April, 1975, the spiny dogfish shark caught by local fishermen was identified and described by Mrs. Salud Ganaden, of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. This article also traces the discovery and identification of the spiny dogfish shark distributed in Philippine marine waters. A discussion of the economic value of the fish squalene oil is included. A program for the wise exploitation and conservation of this dollar-earning fishery is recommended.

English eng

2672-2836 (Online)

Spiny dogfish shark
Spiny dogfish shark--Philippines
Spiny dogfish